Daniel M. Lugo

LugoTransportation/Materials Director

Daniel is responsible for ordering, purchasing, and delivering all of the supplies for the villages.  He is in charge of all in-country transportation and lodging.  Daniel has been with MMF since the beginning.

Jeorge Balam

Kawil Construction Consultant

Because Jeorge is immerged in the rural culture, his is an expert on construction materials and practices for the Yucatan area.  He is talented in many construction trades.

Abel Padilla

Cema Networking Specialist

Abel is in charge of individualized projects that require locating and contacting people of a specific skill set.  He is a master at recognizing, creating, and acting on networking opportunities.

Caspar Kawil

LDS Branch President/Local Need

Caspar helps with the overwhelming task of identifying and prioritizing the needs of specific people.  He works very closely with his community and is always willing to serve others.

Jose and Alicia

Volunteer Coordinators

Jose and Alicia help organize the materials at distribution.  They give direction to the volunteers to ensure that the distribution goes smoothly.